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Directory: Introduction-to-Logic

Introduction, Logic

Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/5 - 1 - 5.1 Propositional Satisfiability (16 min).mp4 12.69 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 3 - 10.3 Syntax and Semantics (14 min).mp4 11.42 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 3 - 8.3 Unification (14 min).mp4 10.99 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 4 - 11.4 General Game Playing (14 min).mp4 10.87 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 5 - 4.5 Box Logic (out of focus).mp4 8.59 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 3 - 2.3 Semantics of Propositional Logic (10 min).mp4 8.13 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 2 - 6.2 Syntax (9 min).mp4 7.74 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 2 - 1.2 Elements of Logic (10 min).mp4 7.64 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 2 - 7.2 Proofs (10 min).mp4 7.46 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 3 - 1.3 Formalization (9 min).mp4 7.04 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 2 - 11.2 Game Description (8 min).mp4 6.99 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 14 - 6.14 (Optional) Omega Relational Logic (9 min).mp4 6.88 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 2 - 8.2 Clausal Form (9 min).mp4 6.49 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 2 - 3.2 Linear Proofs (8 min).mp4 6.26 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 1 - 11.1 General Game Playing (7 min).mp4 5.8 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 2 - 2.2 Syntax of Propositional Logic (7 min).mp4 5.78 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 3 - 6.3 Semantics (8 min).mp4 5.39 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 2 - 10.2 Conceptualization (7 min).mp4 5.27 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 8 - 8.8 Answer Extraction (6 min).mp4 5.2 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 5 - 8.5 Resolution Reasoning (5 min).mp4 5.18 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 4 - 4.4 Resolution Method (7 min).mp4 5.09 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 3 - 9.3 Linear Induction (7 min).mp4 5.01 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 5 - 9.5 Structural Induction (6 min).mp4 5 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 6 - 2.6 Logical Entailment (6 min).mp4 4.98 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 13 - 6.13 (Optional) Finite Relational Logic (7 min).mp4 4.89 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 7 - 6.7 Example - Peano Arithmetic (6 min).mp4 4.81 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 5 - 11.5 Philosophical Remarks (5 min).mp4 4.6 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 10 - 6.10 Example - Metalevel Logic (6 min).mp4 4.55 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 4 - 8.4 Resolution Principle (7 min).mp4 4.49 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 5 - 7.5 Example - Quantifier and Implication (5 min).mp4 4.48 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 10 - 10.10 Example Arithmetic (5 min).mp4 3.98 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 3 - 3.3 Structured Proofs (5 min).mp4 3.86 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 4 - 1.4 Automation (5 min).mp4 3.77 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 7 - 8.7 Logical Entailment (6 min).mp4 3.74 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 4 - 6.4 Example - Sorority World (5 min).mp4 3.73 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 8 - 10.8 First Order Proofs (5 min).mp4 3.73 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 3 - 4.3 Resolution Principle (5 min).mp4 3.52 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 9 - 6.9 Example - Pseudo-English (5 min).mp4 3.5 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 6 - 6.6 Example - Modular Arithmetic (5 min).mp4 3.49 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 2 - 4.2 Clausal Form (5 min).mp4 3.41 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 5 - 1.5 Study Guide (4 min).mp4 3.36 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 5 - 6.5 Example - Blocks World (4 min).mp4 3.32 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 4 - 9.4 Tree Induction (4 min).mp4 3.27 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 4 - 10.4 Example Blocks World (4 min).mp4 3.25 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 8 - 6.8 Example Linked Lists (4 min).mp4 3.22 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 6 - 11.6 International GGP Competition (4 min).mp4 3.12 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 4 - 7.4 Example (4 min).mp4 3.06 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 9 - 10.9 Examples Equality (4 min).mp4 3.03 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 4 - 2.4 Satisfaction (3 min).mp4 2.63 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 12 - 6.12 Logical Entailment (4 min).mp4 2.6 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 15 - 6.15 (Optional) General Relational Logic (4 min).mp4 2.55 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction to Logic (3 min).mp4 2.46 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 5 - 10.5 Example Peano Arithmetic (3 min).mp4 2.39 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 7 - 2.7 The Big Game (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 1 - 9.1 Induction (3 min).mp4 2.3 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 1 - 6.1 Herbrand Logic (3 min).mp4 2.27 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 11 - 6.11 Properties of Sentences (3 min).mp4 2.27 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 3 - 11.3 Game Management (2 min).mp4 2.25 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 5 - 2.5 Properties of Sentences (3 min).mp4 2.18 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 1 - 10.1 First Order Logic (3 min).mp4 2.12 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 3 - 7.3 Example (3 min).mp4 2.03 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 5 - 3.5 Soundness and Completeness (2 min).mp4 1.93 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 1 - 4.1 Propositional Resolution (2 min).mp4 1.81 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 4 - 3.4 Fitch (3 min).mp4 1.8 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 1 - 7.1 Herbrand Logic Proofs (2 min).mp4 1.72 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 1 - 8.1 Resolution (2 min).mp4 1.46 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 2 - 9.2 Domain Closure (2 min).mp4 1.38 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 1 - 3.1 Propositional Proofs (2 min).mp4 1.32 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 7 - 10.7 Logical Entailment (2 min).mp4 1.27 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 6 - 8.6 Unsatisfiability (2 min).mp4 1.23 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 1 - 2.1 Propositional Logic (1 min).mp4 1.22 MB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 6 - 10.6 Properties of Sentences (1 min).mp4 856.92 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter05.pdf 810.8 KB
Introduction to Logic/Slides/lesson02.pdf 806.69 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_02.pdf 779.16 KB
Introduction to Logic/Slides/lesson01.pdf 648.77 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_02.pdf 632.95 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_01.pdf 632.84 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/08_03.pdf 622.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_05.pdf 609.61 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_01.pdf 602.9 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/05_01.pdf 594.07 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_06.pdf 589.58 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_05.pdf 585.44 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_02.pdf 583.34 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_03.pdf 582.92 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_04.pdf 582.2 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/07_01.pdf 581.98 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/06_02.pdf 322.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/01_03.pdf 264.46 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/01_02.pdf 262.57 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter01.pdf 253.16 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/01_01.pdf 218.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter06.pdf 211.94 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_06.pdf 202.55 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter08.pdf 168.14 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/04_03.pdf 163.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter10.pdf 153.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/04_01.pdf 148.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_03.pdf 144.21 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/02_04.pdf 135.8 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/04_02.pdf 134.38 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_06.pdf 131.3 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_07.pdf 131.05 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_05.pdf 129.86 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_03.pdf 129.55 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_04.pdf 128.77 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter09.pdf 126.46 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_02.pdf 126.02 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/03_01.pdf 125.97 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/08_04.pdf 115.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/04_04.pdf 113.8 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter02.pdf 105.57 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_09.pdf 103.99 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_06.pdf 103.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_04.pdf 103.32 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_05.pdf 101.7 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_08.pdf 101.22 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter07.pdf 99.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_10.pdf 99.59 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/MSCS Program Sheet.htm 98.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/10_07.pdf 97.35 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter03.pdf 95.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/09_04.pdf 88.68 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/09_05.pdf 88.63 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/09_03.pdf 84.59 KB
Introduction to Logic/Solutions/09_02.pdf 84.56 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Problem 6.2.1 - Relational Syntax_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.3.2 - Relational Evaluation_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.4.1 - Sorority World_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.3 - Logical Reasoning_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.1 - Sorority World_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Applications/Boole_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.3.1 - Counting_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment_files/epilog.js 82.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Chapter Notes/chapter04.pdf 82.19 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.8.1 - Answer Extraction_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.6.1 - Truth Table Method_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.11.1 - Properties of Sentences_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.7.1 - Logical Entailment_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/MSCS Program Sheet_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.3.1 - Counting Truth Assignments_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.12.1 - Logical Entailment_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.6.1 - Unsatisfiability_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.5.1 - Blocks World_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.5.1 - Properties of Sentences_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.3.2 - Evaluation_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.2.1 - Propositional Syntax_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.5.1 - Resolution Derivation_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.4.1 - Satisfaction_files/epilog.js 62.23 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment_files/sorority3.jpg 44.79 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment_files/sorority4.jpg 44.03 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment_files/sorority2.jpg 43.87 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment_files/sorority1.jpg 43.07 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 10.8.1 - First Order Proofs_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 4.4.2 - Resolution Method_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.5.1 - Resolution Derivation_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.2.1 - Mendelson System_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.6.1 - Unsatisfiability_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.3.1 - Structured Proofs_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 9.2.1 - Domain Closure in Fitch_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.4.1 - Fitch System_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.7.1 - Logical Entailment_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.5.1 - Fitch System_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 4.4.1 - Resolution Derivation_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.8.1 - Answer Extraction_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 9.3.1 - Induction in Fitch_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.3.1 - Fitch System_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Applications/Fitch_files/logica.js 28.73 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.5.1 - Fitch System_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.3.1 - Structured Proofs_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.4.1 - Fitch System_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.3.1 - Fitch System_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Applications/Fitch_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 10.8.1 - First Order Proofs_files/fitch.js 28.29 KB
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Introduction to Logic/images/newredex.jpg 24.47 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.3.2 - Evaluation_files/newgreencheck.jpg 24.24 KB
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Introduction to Logic/images/newgreencheck.jpg 24.24 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 4 - 11.4 General Game Playing (14 min).srt 18.87 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 3 - 10.3 Syntax and Semantics (14 min).srt 17.81 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/5 - 1 - 5.1 Propositional Satisfiability (16 min).srt 17.02 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 3 - 8.3 Unification (14 min).srt 16.56 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.3.1 - Fitch System.htm 14.96 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 7.5.1 - Fitch System.htm 14.36 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.2.1 - Clausal Form.htm 14.05 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.1 - Sorority World.htm 13.68 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 3 - 2.3 Semantics of Propositional Logic (10 min).srt 13.15 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.2.1 - Mendelson System.htm 12.97 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 2 - 7.2 Proofs (10 min).srt 12.21 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 2 - 1.2 Elements of Logic (10 min).srt 12.15 KB
Introduction to Logic/Applications/Fitch.htm 12.12 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.2.1 - Mendelson System_files/mendelson.js 12.07 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.4.1 - Resolution Principle.htm 11.99 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.4.1 - Fitch System.htm 11.69 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 2 - 6.2 Syntax (9 min).srt 11.01 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 3 - 1.3 Formalization (9 min).srt 10.94 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.4.1 - Satisfaction.htm 10.94 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 2 - 8.2 Clausal Form (9 min).srt 10.71 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 4.2.1 - Clausal Form.htm 10.54 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 2 - 11.2 Game Description (8 min).srt 10.4 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.4.1 - Sorority World.htm 10.39 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 2 - 3.2 Linear Proofs (8 min).srt 9.99 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 14 - 6.14 (Optional) Omega Relational Logic (9 min).srt 9.87 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.3.1 - Unification.htm 9.76 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 1 - 11.1 General Game Playing (7 min).srt 9.71 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 3.3.1 - Structured Proofs.htm 9.35 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 2 - 2.2 Syntax of Propositional Logic (7 min).srt 9.27 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.3.2 - Evaluation.htm 8.91 KB
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Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.7.1 - Logical Entailment_files/robinson.js 8.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.5.1 - Resolution Derivation_files/robinson.js 8.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 3 - 6.3 Semantics (8 min).srt 8.32 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 2 - 10.2 Conceptualization (7 min).srt 8.27 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 3 - 9.3 Linear Induction (7 min).srt 8.24 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 4 - 4.4 Resolution Method (7 min).srt 8.11 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.7.1 - Logical Entailment.htm 8.05 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.8.1 - Answer Extraction.htm 7.96 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 8 - 8.8 Answer Extraction (6 min).srt 7.8 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.3.2 - Relational Evaluation.htm 7.73 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 7 - 6.7 Example - Peano Arithmetic (6 min).srt 7.66 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 6 - 2.6 Logical Entailment (6 min).srt 7.65 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 13 - 6.13 (Optional) Finite Relational Logic (7 min).srt 7.62 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 4 - 8.4 Resolution Principle (7 min).srt 7.58 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 8.5.1 - Resolution Derivation.htm 7.41 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.2 - Logical Entailment.htm 7.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.2.1 - Propositional Syntax.htm 7.35 KB
Introduction to Logic/Applications/Boole.htm 7.3 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 5 - 11.5 Philosophical Remarks (5 min).srt 7.25 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.5.1 - Blocks World.htm 7.04 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 10 - 6.10 Example - Metalevel Logic (6 min).srt 6.99 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 8 - 10.8 First Order Proofs (5 min).srt 6.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 4.4.1 - Resolution Derivation.htm 6.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.2.3 - Logical Reasoning.htm 6.64 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 3 - 3.3 Structured Proofs (5 min).srt 6.63 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.12.1 - Logical Entailment.htm 6.33 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 10 - 10.10 Example Arithmetic (5 min).srt 6.3 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 4.4.2 - Resolution Method.htm 6.22 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 5 - 8.5 Resolution Reasoning (5 min).srt 6.09 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 3 - 4.3 Resolution Principle (5 min).srt 6.07 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 4 - 10.4 Example Blocks World (4 min).srt 5.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 4 - 1.4 Automation (5 min).srt 5.84 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.3.1 - Counting.htm 5.83 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 4 - 6.4 Example - Sorority World (5 min).srt 5.82 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 5 - 6.5 Example - Blocks World (4 min).srt 5.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 6 - 6.6 Example - Modular Arithmetic (5 min).srt 5.68 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 5 - 4.5 Box Logic (out of focus).srt 5.48 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 5 - 1.5 Study Guide (4 min).srt 5.45 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 2 - 4.2 Clausal Form (5 min).srt 5.44 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 6 - 11.6 International GGP Competition (4 min).srt 5.43 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 4 - 9.4 Tree Induction (4 min).srt 5.27 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.3.1 - Formalization.htm 5.22 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 7 - 8.7 Logical Entailment (6 min).srt 5.17 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 9 - 6.9 Example - Pseudo-English (5 min).srt 5.01 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 8 - 6.8 Example Linked Lists (4 min).srt 4.98 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 9 - 10.9 Examples Equality (4 min).srt 4.97 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 2.3.1 - Counting Truth Assignments.htm 4.78 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 4 - 7.4 Example (4 min).srt 4.61 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 12 - 6.12 Logical Entailment (4 min).srt 4.24 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 4 - 2.4 Satisfaction (3 min).srt 4.21 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 15 - 6.15 (Optional) General Relational Logic (4 min).srt 4.04 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 1 - 9.1 Induction (3 min).srt 4 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 7 - 2.7 The Big Game (3 min).srt 3.86 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 1 - 10.1 First Order Logic (3 min).srt 3.84 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 5 - 10.5 Example Peano Arithmetic (3 min).srt 3.83 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 1 - 6.1 Herbrand Logic (3 min).srt 3.74 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/11 - 3 - 11.3 Game Management (2 min).srt 3.68 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 5 - 7.5 Example - Quantifier and Implication (5 min).srt 3.62 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/6 - 11 - 6.11 Properties of Sentences (3 min).srt 3.52 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/1 - 1 - 1.1 Introduction to Logic (3 min).srt 3.34 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 1.4.1 - Logical Websheets.htm 3.28 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 5 - 3.5 Soundness and Completeness (2 min).srt 3.27 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 3 - 7.3 Example (3 min).srt 3.13 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 5 - 2.5 Properties of Sentences (3 min).srt 3.12 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 4 - 3.4 Fitch (3 min).srt 3.03 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/7 - 1 - 7.1 Herbrand Logic Proofs (2 min).srt 2.83 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Coins.htm 2.68 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/9 - 2 - 9.2 Domain Closure (2 min).srt 2.61 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Prisoners.htm 2.41 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/3 - 1 - 3.1 Propositional Proofs (2 min).srt 2.3 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 1 - 8.1 Resolution (2 min).srt 2.26 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 7 - 10.7 Logical Entailment (2 min).srt 2.15 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Cards.htm 2.08 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Enlightenment.htm 2.05 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/4 - 1 - 4.1 Propositional Resolution (2 min).srt 2.01 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Nations.htm 1.89 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/8 - 6 - 8.6 Unsatisfiability (2 min).srt 1.88 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Logicians.htm 1.8 KB
Introduction to Logic/Puzzles/Puzzle - Safecracking.htm 1.75 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/MSCS Program Sheet_files/sheet.css 1.54 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/2 - 1 - 2.1 Propositional Logic (1 min).srt 1.5 KB
Introduction to Logic/Video Lectures/10 - 6 - 10.6 Properties of Sentences (1 min).srt 1.39 KB
Introduction to Logic/Exercises/Exercise 6.4.1 - Sorority World_files/check20x20.jpg 455 B
Introduction to Logic/images/check20x20.jpg 455 B

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Torrent created at 2013-07-20.

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